Monday, October 24, 2011


 Kenangan bersama
                                             Para pelajar bersama Ibu dan Bapa angkat semasa membuat lawatan bersama  Dr hashim
 barisan pelajar bersama keluarga angkat
 Dr Hashim menyampaikan sumbangan

Pada 21/10/11 Kemas Seri Merchu bersama Pelajar UUM serta Dr Hashim bin Bujang telah mengadakan satu program amal dengan menziarahi warga warga Emas yang uzur dan kurang berkemampuan dari rumah ke rumah..Program ini dijalankan sempena program Anak Angkat dan Gotong Royong Perdana UUM dan KEMAS Seri Merchu kuala Kangsar. Program ini turut mendapat perhatian Pengerusi Ahli Lembaga Pelawat HKK,merangkap Jawatankuasa Masyarakat Sivil MPKK Dr Hashim Bin Bujang yang turut sama menyumbang dana dan tenaga beliau dalam menjayakan program tersebut.
Sebanyak 9 buah rumah telah dipilih untuk menerima sumbangan dan rawatan Percuma dari Dr Hashim serta KEMAS dan Pelajar UUM.. Apa yang ingin saya kongsikan bersama disini adalah semagat mereka dalam menjayakan Program tersebut harus dicontohi oleh semua pihak. saya juga turut sama mengikuti Program tersebut dan dapat merasakan semangat kerjasama yang ditunjukkan oleh mereka walaupun dalam keadaan Hujan yang turun namun tidak sedikit pun menjejaskan usaha murni mereka

                                           Pengerusi KEMAS turut sama turun padang.


Melihat pada kesungguhan mereka dalam menjayakan program ini, saya sungguh tersentuh dengan keikhlasan yang ditunjukkan oleh mereka. Ada juga penerima sumbangan yang tidak dapat menahan titisan air mata. Sifat kekeluargaan memang terserlah apabila para pelajar bersama ibu bapa angkat mereka bersama sama menziarahi warga Emas yang dalam keuzuran. Program ini dilihat berjalan dengan jayanya walaupun dalam keadaan hujan yang turun dengan lebat. Namun semua ini tidak langsung mematahkan semangat mereka untuk menjayakan program ini. Tahniah kepada KEMAS Seri Merchu kerana berjaya melaksanakan Program ini dengan jayanya.
                                                        Pelukan kasih sayang  
Melihat sifat keikhlasan pelajar ini saya mengucapkan setinggi tinggi penghargaan dan Tahniah kepada University Utara Malaysia (UUM) kerana melahirkan pelajar pelajar yang berjiwa murni dan behemah tinggi. Sifat sepeti ini haruslah dicontohi oleh pelajar pelajar yang lain.

 Dr Hashim sedang memberikan rawatan kepada warga Emas
Para Pelajar bersama warga Emas

Setinggi tinggi Tahniah kepada KEMAS Seri Merchu sera para Pelajar UUM dan Dr Hashim kerana berjaya menjalankan Program ini dengan jayanya. Diharap Program seumpama ini dapat diteruskan dari masa ke semasa dalam usaha membantu kerajaan merealisasikan matlamat Rakyat Didahulukan Pencapaian Diutamakan.
Sebelum saya mengakhiri penulisan ini suka saya mengingatkan para pelajar yang turut serta dalam program ini supaya dapat terus manabur bakti kepada Agama Bangsa dan Negara. Dan ingatlah pesanan Dr hashim bin Bujang yang mana beliau dalam ucapannya ada menyebut tentang hubungan anak angkat dan keluarga angkat supaya hubungan ini tidak berakhir selepas program, hubungan ini hendaklah berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat.

Friday, October 21, 2011

the factors that led to the formation of Malaysia and elaborate on the strong opposition to the merger from Indonesia and the Philippines.

The formation of Malaysia was  a very complicated process  because of many quarters were cautious and doubtful about that. But finally Malaysia was born because motivation was sufficient to stimulate the leader and the people in countries concerned. The factors of formation of Malaysia was successful because of few factors  like  Independence  Through Unification, that’s only Malaysia was free from any outside power after Independence on 31 August 1957, Understanding For Development, one of reasons by all future member countries was the question of fostering regional understanding and creating one united nation for the progress of the country and the people .the existing potential in any country more easily developed under strong central administration. Ethnic balance and unity, maintaining a balance between non-Bumiputras  and Bumiputras. Collective Fight Against Communism, Malaya was exposed to the communist threat even though the Emergency that lasted twelve years because of the communist terrorists, was over, the task of fighting communism would definitely be greater for a country to do it alone. Economic cooperation, Kuala Lumpur is highly regional cooperation in economic. United in International relations, Kuala Lumpur wanted to reinforce the pact among the regional countries so that they would not only be stronger internally but also in the international arena as well. That is a factor for formation of Malaysia and on 27 May 1961 Tunku Abdul Rahman has mention to press conference about the plant of political and economic cooperation among the countries in Malaysia. The merger among Philippines was fail because the President Macapagal claimed Sabah was originally a part of Filipino territory. Indonesia`s also take a same way like the Philippines because The President Sukarno launched a confrontation policy against Malaya on 20 January 1963. Sukarno ground for opposing the formation of Malaysia was because Kuala Lumpur had ignored Indonesia in Malaya`s plans to set up a new country, while Indonesia was a neighbor and friends to Malaya. And he also claimed Malaysia to be a new kind of political structure (new colonialism) that would ignore Indonesia interest and weaken the spirit of the Malay Archipelago.
The British proposed a Malayan Union to establish a unified administrative system
after the Second World War....... why the Malayan
Union plan failed.

The idea of the Union was first expressed by the British on October 1945 (plans had been presented to the War Cabinet as early as May 1944) after the second war by the British military Administration Sir Harold McMichael, on 10 October 1945 the British Parliament presented a white paper with the content that the British aimed to create a new system of administration in Malaya. Known as the Malayan Union. The Malayan Union that was proposed was union of the Malaya state(Federated and Unfederated) including Penang Island and Malacca.

      The main objective of the British in introducing the Malayan Union was to ensure that the economic interests of the British in Malaya were protected and standardize administration under one ruling system, at the same time the system could cut down the administration cost of the Malay states.  British  made features of the Malayan Union for Malay states to be a single ruling system a success, the features for the Malayan Union is to made up nine Malay states and two straits settlement, Penang and Malacca . The British Governor was the chief administrator with its centre in Kuala Lumpur.  The Malay rulers only advised the Governor while their sovereignty as rulers of their own states was wiped off.  The rulers authority was only in issues pertaining to Islam and as head of the Malay council of Advisors.  The state Council was retained for purposes of managing the local government but was still subjected to control by central government.  Singapore still remained as British colonial territory under the rule of a British Governor General.  There a also make a Principe jus soli,  the Principe is if the foreigner was 18 and above and had resided in Malaya for 10 out of a period of 15 years before 15 February 1942; and person  who was born in Malaya automatically can get the citizenship.  There  also want equal rights for all citizens regardless of race or origin.  This includes the entry into government service and the right to vote in the general election.
       This planning means Sultan has lost  power in his state, from there people have made a demonstration to show their objection.
       The Malayan Union  failure was because of facing  opposition from the local people, and the factor for the failure of the Malayan Union is strong opposition from the Malays,  No strong support from non Malays because the non Malays are not interested in the Malayan Union because there is no advantage for them from the Malayan Union. It`s  also  wrong timing because communal feelings and hostility still existed between the Malays and Chinese and condition in Malaya is not really peaceful.  Wrong introduction because the Union was drawn up in London without taking into account the situation and wishes of people in Malaya.  And the last one is Opposition from former British administrators in Malaya,  they urged the British to protect the interests and special rights of Malays.